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Updated: 2024-08-05

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023 - Thursday, February 16, 2023

Prasat Mueang Sing.

Prasat Mueang Sing.

Prasat Mueang Sing.

Prasat Mueang Sing.

Prasat Mueang Sing.

Prasat Mueang Sing.

Prasat Mueang Sing.

Prasat Mueang Sing.

We slept last night in the River Kwai Bridge Resort in Kanchanaburi.
It's not warm when we come out, it's gloomy and cloudy.
We have not arranged breakfast in the hotel, we think 160 Thb per person for a mediocre breakfast is too much. But it's not easy to find a breakfast outside.

Today we decide to visit Prasat Mueang Sing, an old Khmer city in a park-like landscape.
We drive there at ease. The park looks nice, it is well maintained but the number of buildings is limited. Apart from two vans with older ladies, it seems to be extinct.
We look around and when we have seen everything, Pia wants to go to the village of Sai Yok.

Then we go to Sai Yok. We think we will end up at the waterfall, but that is not the case, there is a turn off a bit before the waterfall. The road descends quite steeply, and Tom is not happy about this, the car does not pull very well. We eat something in Sai Yok, look around at a market and Pia buys all kinds of food with banana. It is a typical small Thai village where, apart from a market, there is not much to do.

Fortunately, driving back goes well, the car does what the car should do and without noticeable problems.
Back in the hotel Kanchanaburi we sit on our terrace. People come into the hotel all wearing blue shirts, many people, and more people. Looks like a staff trip or something.
We eat at the restaurant opposite the hotel, actually just a large shelter with a kitchen on the side and further tables and benches. The menu contains many Isaan dishes.
We order three dishes and when they come we are pleasantly surprised, the portions are small (and we like that) and the food tastes good, very good. We order some extra.

Written on: 2023-02-17


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.